The Story of My Acoustic Panels: The Canadian Brand

My Acoustic Panels was founded because of a need that arose within the global acoustics industry. Panels and baffles were being installed in schools, pools, studios, homes and places of worship without realizing the origins of the products. Some of these products contain silica and formaldehyde and are being manufactured in less than equitable conditions in the developing world. As Canadians, we decided to take a stand against the poor quality and poor environmental conditions we saw running rampant in the industry and create an ethical brand in our home country.
All manufacturing by My Acoustic Panels occurs in Alberta, Canada using North American sourced materials. All acoustic panels are custom fabricated by highly skilled technicians with decades of experience in the acoustics manufacturing industry.
Our commitment is:
- To provide high quality, professional-grade acoustic panels and baffles made by skilled labourers within Canada. These labourers are paid a fair living wage, have access to regular work breaks, extended healthcare benefits and overtime pay.
- To source raw materials from North American sources (Canada and The United States).
- To source materials that meet all Class A fire regulations. This includes E84 and S102 testing.
- To source materials that are silica and formaldehyde free and LEED-friendly.
- To source materials that are environmentally friendly and utilize recycled materials.
- To provide high quality acoustically rated products. High Noise Reduction Coefficient Values (NRC).
We stand behind our products, from the sourcing of materials, to the manufacturing process, to the quality of the finished product. Feel good about the products you are buying to improve the quality of your life.