What is the Difference Between an Acoustic Panel and an Acoustic Baffle?

Posted by My Acoustic Panels . on

What is the Difference Between an Acoustic Panel and an Acoustic Baffle?

We know that some of these words can be a bit intimidating if you are unfamiliar with acoustic lingo.  By the time you're done reading this, you will be armed and dangerous to handle basic acoustics terminology. 

Acoustic Panel

An acoustic panel, sometimes incorrectly called a soundproofing panel, is a flat panel typically mounted to either a wall or ceiling.  One side of the panel will be exposed, the other side of the panel will be mounted. Mounting methods vary based upon manufacturer, but at My Acoustic Panels, we use impalement plates.


Acoustic Baffle

An acoustic baffle is a 'free-hanging' acoustic product hung vertically from a ceiling with some sort of cable.  It will have two sides exposed, and therefore has greater acoustic absorption than a panel with only one exposed side.  Baffles are generally used in areas with high ceilings such as gymnasiums and arenas.

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