Acoustic Design Ideas for Music and Practice Rooms
Posted by My Acoustic Panels . on

Acoustics used to be thought of as a necessary building material that was purely utilitarian. However, as years progressed, the use of acoustic panels in various colours and arrays are lending an architectural design element to spaces that would have otherwise been plain. Acoustic panels can both sound and look great in whatever space they are being added. We encourage customers to mix and match colours and sizes to create a unique experience.
In this featured project, a music room has outfitted in 4'x4'x2" acoustic panels from our green with envy and rocky road collections. You will notice that the far wall uses bands of the same colour of panels, which the front of the room has a unique focal point by mixing and matching multiple shades of green and grey. These colours carried through with the entire theme of the room, picking up elements from the carpet and the seating.
Functional does not have to mean boring. At My Acoustic Panels, we believe in bringing the FUN back to functional!